


今は夢を諦めてしまう方や、もっと言えば人生を諦めてしまう方も多数いらっしゃるじゃないですか。でも、こんな時代だからこそ前に向かって行ったら、きっといいことがあるのかなって。波は必ずあるんですよ。だから、最初はとても難しくて、私たちの先輩もよく言っていましたが、たとえば「3年がんばってみなさい」とか、人生にはサイクルがありますね。それまで生きてきた先輩が言うことは間違っていなくて、まずは3ヶ月やってみて、6ヶ月、9ヶ月、1年……という、3ヶ月周期というのは、先祖代々、昔から伝わっていることで、当たっているんですよね。そうして1年やって、3年やって……そうやって続けていると、降ってくるものがあるんです。「こうなりたい」という思いは、最初からもちろんあるんですが、続けていくことによって、その思いがどんどん派生していきます。木の枝のように、どんどん広がっていっていいと思うんです。「ヘアメイクになりたい!」「美容師になりたい!」「着付師になりたい」という思いが最初にあったとして、そこから分かれていくものっていろいろあるので。ファッションもそうですし、今だったら美容のYouTuberになってみたりとか、時代に乗ってやっていくのがいいのかなと。私たちのときはひとつだけだったんですけれど、だんだん変わってきましたよね。私も最初の頃は美容室で修業していましたが、こういったファンタジーのほうに行きたいと思いましたので、どんどん道を広げていったんです。今ある形だけでなく、いろいろな形で活動していくのが、これからの時代なんじゃないかなって。だからますます面白いんじゃない? 美容というのはすごく面白いので、続けていって欲しいなと思います。 私の座右の銘は「Never Give Up」ですから。


What was your inspiration for this creation?
Yamano is known by all as the top beauty school in Japan. When I heard that Jane Yamano wanted five fresh looks for the first issue of Super BIDO, I realized how internationally minded she is. Although the Olympics didn’t happen this year, I wanted the piece to represent the symbolic event of the world coming together by using the five colors of the Olympic flag. I also wanted to include the color I believe represents your heart and added pink, bringing the total to six colors. Each one of these styles ties into this issue’s theme of “Fantasy.” I wanted to show a design of someone who is both in and out of reality at the same time. Leslie was able to take this “fantasy” to another level, and hopefully those who see this creation will also be able to experience their own “fantasy” as well.

Why did you decide to study in America during your younger years?
New York in the 90’s was a melting pot of races, cultures, faces, and of course styles. Everywhere you went, you would meet completely different people. I wanted to see as much as I could. I felt like we are taught by our parents and siblings, then by our teachers at school. That is okay, but for me I wanted something more. I wanted to be influenced by people that grew up differently than I did.

As someone who has worked in the industry around the world, what is the difference between beauty in Japan from the rest of the world?
The level in Japan is extremely high. The ideas are perhaps the best in the world. I believe Japanese are viewed as serious, and not perceived as weirdos. However, throughout the world, ideas come from people born and raised in different environments. The Japanese are delicate and like things that are cute. For example, the kimono worn by the model today (page 40-41), is so original in style and in its use of color. When I see things like this I think, “Yeah, Japan is amazing!” There are so many beautiful things here; I hope to spread Japanese style throughout the world. Because of the Corona Virus I can’t travel abroad now, but I hope to once again be able blend the beauty of Japan with diverse cultures of the world.

What are your expectations for those who aspire to work in the beauty industry?
Today I met the students here at Yamano Beauty College. I think the biggest piece of advice I can give is: hold onto your dreams and never give up! Believe that your dreams will definitely come true. I feel like there are people that not only give up on their dreams, but give up on life as well. I want the students to have the strength to hold onto their dreams until they achieve them. In this day and age there is such a bright future. Of course there will be hard times, especially in the beginning. But life is a cycle. Like our ancestors taught us, you must first give it three months, then six, then nine, and before you realize it, one year turns into three! It is only if you continue to persevere, will you learn certain lessons that come with time. Through perseverance, your dreams will grow like the branches of a tree. In the beginning if you think, “I want to be a make-up designer!” or “I want to be a beautician!” there are endless possibilities for you. In our generation you can even be a beautician online. I first studied in a salon, but because I perceived a wider vision, I was able to expand my horizons. Your generation can devise new platforms for your creations. I think it will only get more and more interesting. Because the beauty industry is so amazing, it is my hope that you will all continue on your path! My motto is “Never Give Up!”

Thank you for sharing your amazing work and warm advice to young artists!
冨沢ノボル Noboru Tomizawa